Sunday, January 2, 2011

Welcome 2011

Since yesterday didn't count, I'm proclaiming today the 1st day of 2011. I'm off to a rip~SNORTING start . . . tackling some areas in my abode that haven't been visited in many many moons. "The Girls" (my 2 sister kitties) have been hanging close as I've excavated several toy mice that have been MIA for some time. I've executed some really remarkable sneezes due to dust, fur, & unidentified debris. Swear-to-God the enormous dust-bunnies I've exposed have actually growled at me. Yikes! Time to plug in the shop-vac and suck those suckers up! Rest in peace dust~bunnies . . . you're going to a better place.
Okay. Enough 'fiddle-farting' around. Back at it! The ARC truck is stopping by Weds am and I plan to make it worth their while!!! Hasta la vista, and Happy New Year!!!!!

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